Friday, October 9, 2009

great night

smalam x tido.bosan gile.haha
i watched 3 movies in one night and after i watched all of the movies i slept.
after i woke up my head spins.till now.hee
i had fun though.
thats all i guess.gile bosan blog:p

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

happy eid mubarak

i'm just passing by just to say hello for not updating my blog for a really long time.o yeah and also because i'm is now 1.24 am and there's nothing much to do.and so,i'm taking this chance to wish you all selamat hari raya.
and i'm also sorry fr all of my wrong doings.i really hope that you guys will forgive me and have fun during this festive season.

selamat hari raya people:))

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


yippee,its school holiday.
plan plan plan.that's what i need.okay.

1)gi sunway with my cousins
2)gi time square
3)do nothing:(

that's all? parents are busy working so they dont have the time to spend their time going to a vacation with us,but what the is important:)
yes, i have to think positively:)
this is what happen if you put radhiah inside an empty house for a long time without no one talking to her.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

60 earth hour

turn off the lights,sit back,relax and enjoy the world:)